Acquiring new talent is often time-consuming and resource-draining.
This Talent Acquisition and CBI Techniques is an interactive training program designed to teach you how to seek the most talented employees who, not only can fit the immediate bill but also have the drive, initiative and potential to contribute to the company's competitiveness and long-term future.
Pre-employment testing and assessment is one of the most objective ways of predicting job performance and company fit. It consists in the use of tests and questionnaires to assess candidates in terms of a wide range of aspects such as cognitive ability, critical thinking skills, personality, preferences and motivation, among many others.
The training methodology will be a balanced use of mini lectures, cases studies, role plays and group discussions and participants would be given opportunities to prepare and perform interviews using realistic scenarios.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Module 1: Develop the competencies required to work effectively by Star Employees
Module 2: Pre-Employment Testing and Assessment
Module 3: Before the Interviw: Preparing for Competency-based Structured Interviews
Module 4: Conducting the Interview: Conducting Competency-based Interviews
Module 5: Closing the Interview and Evaluation
25+ Years of diversified work experience in Egypt and Gulf area as a Freelance Trainer & Consultant in Different business sectors (HR, Sales, Marketing, Counseling, Training & Development and Business Consultations), Group Director of Human Resources, Freelance & Online Certified Trainer, AUC Lecturer.