A) Salary Survey
- How to take a decision regarding which survey to use?
- Learn how to read salary surveys (quartiles, percentiles, deciles & average)
B) Job Evaluation
- The Job Evaluation committee
- Identifying Compensable factors
- How to use the popular Point Method to determine the relative job weight
C) Job Grading
- Grouping similar jobs into pay grades
- Grading methodologies
D) Pricing Pay Grades
- Plotting the wage curve (Linear Regression)
- Market pricing of jobs
E) Fine Tune Pay Rates
- Developing pay ranges
- Correcting out-of-line rates (Managing red and green circles)
- Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives
- Designing a performance
- Based incentive plan
- Motivation theories and incentive plans
- Pay for time not worked
- Insurance, Retirement and family friendly benefits
- Payroll Calculations:
• Income tax deductions (According to the latest update July 2020)
• Social Insurance deductions (According to law No. 148 year 2019)
- Cafeteria approach
25+ Years of diversified work experience in Egypt and Gulf area as a Freelance Trainer & Consultant in Different business sectors (HR, Sales, Marketing, Counseling, Training & Development and Business Consultations), Group Director of Human Resources, Freelance & Online Certified Trainer, AUC Lecturer.